
Egg McDad

Nearly went out to my local coffee shop for one of their breakfast sandwiches (a commuting standby when I was going into the office every day) when I realized I could make one at home. Using a leftover sausage patty, a fried egg, and a slice of American cheese, I came away a couple bucks better off and very satisfied with my solution.

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Chaffles (aka Keto waffles)

Chaffles are double good. They’re a way for Keto dieters like me, who can’t get used to almond flour, to use it anyway. And, they let Ketoistas have something other than bacon and eggs for breakfast — Keto waffles no less.

I think I’ve always preferred the crispy outside and soft inside character of waffles to pancakes. But waffles need a special appliance. The Queen and I got two Sunbeam waffle makers for wedding presents, but a couple of down-sizes ago, we got rid of them. Enter the mini waffle maker and Keto. Sometimes you wish you could invent just the right product at just the right time to make your fortune. Before Keto, who ever heard of a mini waffle maker. Now they’re selling like—well, hotcakes.

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Bacon—the almost perfect meat—if you eat pork, of course. Delicious and versatile. I’ve always loved bacon, but appreciate it much more now because 1) it’s a Keto staple and 2) I’ve finally discovered the best bacon to buy and the best way to cook it.

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Dad’s granola

Two of the kids’ aunts both sent us home-made granola for Christmas a few years ago. Both versions were really good (how diplomatic) and opened our eyes to a better – and cheaper – way to do breakfast. Since then, we’ve settled in on the recipe here as our favorite. All natural ingredients available inexpensively in bulk from our local warehouse grocery, no added sugar or fat, and great taste. As always in Dad’s economy, this recipe is easy to modify. Please experiment or share your own favorite granola ideas.

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Best banana bread

I keep working on this recipe because I like it so much and it’s my fail-safe way to use up those over-ripe bananas. This latest version is the best yet. This version updates the temp-time combo for the crispy outside and moist inside that’s the holy grail.

I’ve tried several recipes over the years including a great one learned from my sister-in-law (a legendary cook) that was my favorite until I tried this recipe. I like it because when it first comes out of the oven, it’s moist enough and if your oven cooperates, you get a nice crustiness on the outside and a fully-cooked bread all the way through.  But the important thing is to use up those bananas (and potassium) before you have to throw them away! So, here goes…

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Dad’s scrambled eggs

Everyone (even the kids) say these are really good scrambled eggs. Tasty, fluffy, buttery…etc. So, they have become the gold standard around our house. The technique is the most important thing here.

Update 2019: Better eggs really do taste better. Better = organic, really free-range. Larger, darker-yellow yolks, no animal stuff in the feed, no antibiotics. I keep trying out different brands from the store. My current favorite is Pete & Gerry’s, noticeably better all around.

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